Author: Bianca G

So, you spend the best part of two months’ salary (six in some cases) on THE dress. The one that will guarantee that you feel like a film star, model, princess, rock star; delete as appropriate. The one that will have ALL eyes on you as...

Yikes! We are exhibiting at The National Wedding Show in Excel in a few weeks! 13th and 14th October to be exact.  I say yikes as we’ve not yet exhibited at any wedding show let alone such a prominent platform as The National Wedding Show. ...

Now, as much as we don't like to admit it, we've all been to an event or two where we've glanced surreptitiously at the clock or a watch, stifled a yawn or made faces the roll of the eyes across the table at another guest.  Or even the...

I’ve never known an element of wedding planning to cause couples as much angst as working out the seating arrangements.  Is it ok for Uncle Bob to be seated next to Aunty Sandra because they had a colossal falling out last Christmas.  Should you put...

As we hit the warmer weather we know that more people are encouraged to throw an event to celebrate a special occasion; first birthday parties, christenings, baby showers, weddings. Maybe you’re not even planning a kiddie’s party but just an event where the mini people...

Did you know that having a show cake at events (namely weddings) is all the rage. Elaborate 10 tiered wonders, designed only for the purpose of a looking outstanding, are on the up. Why would anyone want a fake cake I hear you ask...

With today being the most popular date night of the year we wonder how easy it is to plan the perfect valentines date. We asked some of our followers what would make their ideal date. Have a read for some inspiration!    This year we are recreating our...

 Love yourself first I truly believe that before we invest in loving others, we need to focus on loving ourselves first. Spend time with you and make yourself happy. Give yourself a treat and tell yourself how great you are.Do what makes your soul warm.Reach...