Faking the Cake

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Faking the Cake

Did you know that having a show cake at events (namely weddings) is all the rage. Elaborate 10 tiered wonders, designed only for the purpose of a looking outstanding, are on the up.

Why would anyone want a fake cake I hear you ask……well, let’s explore some of the pros and cons.


If you’re on a bit of a budget (and who isn’t these days) then this is a great way to reduce some cost without compromising on wow factor.  You can easily have an entire dummy cake or one or two layers. No one will know the difference and you save yourself a few pennies.


Decorative purposes

This one is a no brainer. Your gorgeous display cake can look outstanding all night. The dummy cake can be spectacular decorated. You can really go to town with a massive or elaborately cake and make a bold statement


Time saving

With the display cake on proud display the caterers can cut and prepare the real cake ready for guests to take home.


The only little tiny downside I can think of is remembering which layer is the real one. Because it’s very likely you will want to cut your cake in front of guests so would usually have at least one layer of real scrumptious cake.  Just remember to note carefully which one it is. You might forget and cut into the wrong one. eek!


It’s not often I say this but, faking it might just be the way forward

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